Zoe Helene with Spirit Bundle by Tracey Eller
Zoe Helene is an artist and cultural activist best known for coining and popularizing the term Psychedelic Feminism and founding the environmental feminism group Cosmic Sister (@CosmicSister). She believes a true balance of power across the gender spectrum—globally—is the only way humans (and non-humans) will survive, and she sees Psychedelic Feminism as a realistic, practical yet hopeful approach to a much-needed shift of global consciousness.
Zoe believes that ultimately, psychedelics are about kindness—to ourselves and to others, including non-human life forms, the world’s soil and air and waterways. It’s about doing our best to become the highest version of ourselves, first as individuals, then as larger socioeconomic communities, then as a species that’s over-running the planet. The journey starts with ourselves, then moves ever outwards. It’s our responsibility, as apex predators, to be in a healthy relationship with each other and with the Earth.
Zoe's work has been featured in Forbes, BBC Travel, Outside Magazine, DoubleBlind Magazine, Bust Magazine, Playboy, VICE, Broadly, Tonic, LA Yoga, New York Magazine, Boston Magazine, ABC Australia, Radio New Zealand, and many other top-tier media venues.
In this episode we discuss:
- the gifts of the goddess archetype Artemis.
- the need for wilderness and wildlife to be more core in our politics and news.
- why she advocates for our right to journey with sacred plants and funghi as a way to jump-start rapid cultural evolution.
- she explains what she means when she emphasizes our responsibility as Earth’s apex predator!
IMAGE AT TOP: Zoe Helene with Spirit Bundle. Zoe's matrilineal ancestors burned Cannabis, Greek sage (Salvia fruticosa), Cedar (Cedrus libani) and Lavender (Lavandula) in spiritual healing ceremonies. Photo by Tracey Eller (@traceyeller).
Passionate about Self-Compassion, Embodied Wisdom, Intimacy, Pregnancy, Psychospiritual Expansion & The Sacred Feminine, Angela Caruk is a Trauma-informed Therapist who loves being a fellow traveller and teacher of Focusing.