Photo by Jeff Skeirik (@rawtographer) for Cosmic Sister
Please join us in congratulating Minelli Eustacio-Costa (@yogawithminelli), who has been awarded a Cosmic Sister Women of The Psychedelic Renaissance (CS WPR) grant to write “Mama Ganja’s Role in World Building” for the sacred medicine anthology edited by Stephen Gray of Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, and published by Inner Traditions (@inner_traditions).
Minelli Eustacio-Costa is a 200hr and Accessible Yoga certified instructor and discovered her love for the ancient practice of combining cannabis and mindful yoga in 2012. She guides accessible cannabis-infused yoga classes with an emphasis on self-observation and non-judgement. Minelli creates space to experience the ways plant medicine supports mindfulness practices, acting as a guide to our most authentic self. She works to create safe, inclusive yoga spaces that bring awareness to the mindfulness, healing, and bliss of cannabis-infused yoga with the intention of helping to guide people back within their bodies, a place of security, knowing, truth, strength, and power.
#YogaWithMinelli #LA #MinelliEustacioCosta #WomenOfThePsychedelicRenaissance #PsychedelicRenaissance #MamaGanja #WorldBuilding #anthology #InnerTraditions #PsychedelicFeminism #CosmicSister #ZoeHelene #PsychedelicWomen #womeninpsychedelics #womensupportingwomen #Accessible #Yoga #cannabis #yoga #cannabis #ganja #sacredplant #plantmedicine #mindfulness #authenticself #inclusive #healing #bliss #truth #strength