1 Minelli Eustacio-Costa
Minelli Eustacio-Costa (@yogawithminelli) has been awarded a Cosmic Sister Women of The Psychedelic Renaissance (CS WPR) grant to present “Blessings from L.A” and “Guided Meditations” at Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC).
Minelli Eustacio-Costa is a 200hr and Accessible Yoga certified instructor and discovered her love for the ancient practice of combining cannabis and mindful yoga in 2012. She guides accessible cannabis-infused yoga classes with an emphasis on self observation and non-judgement. Minelli creates space to experience the ways plant medicine supports mindfulness practices, acting as a guide to our most authentic self.
“I work to create safe, inclusive yoga spaces that bring awareness to the mindfulness, healing, and bliss of cannabis-infused yoga. My intention is to guide people back within their bodies, a place of security, knowing, truth, strength, and power.” – Minelli Eustacio-Costa
Special thanks to Chioma Nwosu (@chiomanwosu) for the introduction!
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