Photo by Rebecca Watson
Autumn Bree Fata describes her life as "truly spectacular!" (I'll have what she's having.) If you're looking for ways to improve your health and lifestyle game she's your BFF, and it's all about honesty and empowerment. Autumn is a "California girl" living in the Midwest of Canada and the reason is partner Mike Fata, little Roan and Rain's Poppa and CEO and co-founder of Manitoba Harvest hemp foods. Autumn expresses her personal-is-political via social media like an artist might explore a new medium or genre (I love her for that!). Friends witnessed her recent pregnancy on Facebook, and little Rain's "Natural Home Birth" album was nothing short of epic -- worthy of publication. The look of pure, unfettered elation on big brother Roan's face when he first saw his baby sister said it all...

I caught up with Autumn about life as an eco-mom, home birthing and leading a spectacular life.
Zoe Helene: You're a big home birth advocate.
Autumn Bree Fata: I would love to be a spokesperson for natural birthing and yes, homebirths specifically need more attention. My first home birth was a great way to circumvent the modern medical birthing system, which we saw as riskier. My second home birth was a way for our whole family to bond and nurture each other, collectively bringing another little one into our tribe. The choice is unique for everyone, every time, and each time it's exactly as it should be.
ZH: Why don't more women choose home birth?
ABF: As females, we don't see a lot of nice, serene home births and breastfeeding moments being depicted in movies, TV, or in books for us to consider, question and learn from. Holistic birth education often only comes from spoken word or being present for one, and there simply is not enough comfortable space being held for sharing.
ZH: Why do you think that is?
ABF: Home birth information and depiction may have been slanted negatively to the North American public as birth became an extra large, money-generating, for-profit business.
ZH: That makes sense. How did you first learn about it?
ABF: I was in my mid-20s. A woman I know had just experienced her fourth home birth. My partner, who also knows her, had mentioned her previous three -- planting seeds I suppose. I now know that by sharing her story, this woman was allowing me into the verbal folds of homebirth storytelling, validating me immediately as a woman who could home birth.
ZH: Care to share some resource recommendations?
ABF: My main resource was watching YouTube videos. I watched a lot of them. Search "natural home birth" and watch your world open up -- very wide. There are so many beautiful, perfect births to watch. It's the best education you can give yourself and your children: men, women and children. It's going down in my un-schooling notes as a "must."
ZH: What is your little one like?
ABF: She is so mellow!
ZH: Now that you are a mother, has anything changed for you?
ABF: I'm way more optimistic now. I hear about the horrible state of the world I think to myself, "Oh no! It is not going to suck for my kids. They'll be happily saving the world and having huge successes on their path. It will be great for them."
ZH: Parenting is a big job.
ABF: As a parent one of my jobs is to be educated enough to evaluate all inputs in my baby's life -- her food, the air she breathes and everything that touches her skin.
ZH: What are the top three notes in your "un-schooling" notebook?
ABF: Top three notes this week for my son Roan are: 1) music teacher who can teach Roan how to read music while exploring multiple instruments, to see if any stick, 2) Italian immersion in Italy, and 3) rock climbing. Rain has already finished her first 10-week yoga session.
ZH: You told me once, "Hemp saved my life."
ABF: I took two tablespoons of hemp oil for two weeks and reversed the "depression" I had been feeling for 10 years. I had been convinced (both by myself and by others) that I would always be someone who internally battled with the will to live. Then I felt the clouds go away. For me it was a game-changer.
ZH: Tell me about your work as a certified holistic health coach.
ABF: I bring clients to their ultimate and best-serving goals through personalized information on lifestyles that involve clean eating, chemical-free living and being honest about one's choices. Health coaching can be everything for you that you've dreamed it to be, from an invigorating jump start to deepening your understanding and relationship with healthy foods. The requirement it takes, no matter what your desired outcome, is your commitment to being committed. I'm on a mission to help you let go of all excuses, live your potential, and feel bright, vibrant and responsible in your life. I am excitedly branching out into pregnancy and birth coaching: stay tuned.
Stay in touch with Autumn on Facebook and Twitter: @autumnbreefata
Photo by Rebecca Watson