Robyn Lawrence. Photo by Zoe Helene
Writer, Editor, Cannabis Ecopreneur, Mom
Robyn Lawrence, a writer/editor, yoga instructor and single mother, was 49 when a Cosmic Sister grant sent her to Peru for the first time. During those initial encounters with ayahuasca, Robyn felt a lifelong emotional wound—the death of her father before she was born—begin to heal. Robyn found herself—surprisingly, and without effort or inner turmoil—shedding the unhealthy emotional and physical manifestations of that wound, including an eating disorder, that had plagued her for much of her life. Robyn soon returned to Peru interested in further discovering her life’s direction, and upon coming back home signed her book deal for The Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook, just published by Skyhorse Publishing in September 2015. Robyn realized during this second trip to Peru that her mission is to educate people about how to safely and responsibly prepare and imbibe organic, sustainably grown cannabis for health and wellbeing—and that this was the next important extension of her work promoting healthy, natural lifestyles. She’s now in the most successful, healthy relationship of her life with a man with whom she hopes to journey to Peru in November.
“Before ayahuasca, I spent my life trying to find the love I thought I was born without, clutching desperately to the ghost of a father I never knew. I did everything to try to keep him with me while getting back at him for leaving me in the first place. Mama Aya showed me that it was no longer necessary to live in the extremes and on the edges to get the attention of a dead father. I found forgiveness, strength and a deep reservoir of love within myself. Wrapped in ayahuasca’s grace, I no longer feel the need to deprive myself—or others—of food or love.“ -- Robyn Griggs Lawrence
Robyn was 49 years old when she was awarded the third Cosmic Sister Plant Spirit Grant. Her ceremonial ayahuasca experiences helped to provide insight and guidance on her path to become an advocate for wellness and consciousness expansion through responsible cannabis use. She came home from the Amazon—to Boulder, CO—and promptly signed a book deal. Two years later her gorgeous, ground-breaking cookbook The Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook, was published. It has been featured in The Guardian, LA Weekly, LA Yoga, Publishers Weekly, Boulder Daily Camera and many more.
Robyn, a seasoned public speaker in the natural lifestyle space, was sponsored by the Women of the Psychedelic Renaissance to present Cannabis as medicine, culinary herb and superfood at Visionary Convergence in Los Angeles. More recently she was awarded a Cosmic Sisters of Cannabis grant to speak at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver, October 29-30, 2016.
Cosmic Sister Plant Spirit Grant 2013
Women of the Psychedelic Renaissance 2015
Cosmic Sisters of Cannabis Grant 2016
Ayahuasca Retreat: Nihue Rao