Xhalida September
Xhalida September (@anaknglupa) has been awarded a Cosmic Sister Women of The Psychedelic Renaissance (CS WPR) grant to present “Heart, Soul, and Humour: A Visit to Other Brain Regions” at Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC).
Xhalida has been working with psilocybin for 10 years and has been compounding her own medicines for four years. However, her first expression of medicine is through song. Her vision is to create and share music that is a balance of understanding, empathy and encouragement. Through her gorgeous and soulful voice and her original music she wants to bring you to a place of love, healing and self affirmation. For Xhalida, writing and composing has been a wonderful journey and an expression of her integration process throughout this transformative year.
Along with her deep connection to music, Xhalida also enjoys dance, linguistics, ethnobotany, and photography. An avid traveler, she loves to learn about new cultures, lifestyles, and values.
Xhalida will be one of four featured performers as part of our “A Visit to Other Brain Regions” special event on Friday evening (Oct. 23). She’ll be accompanied by her musician father Steve on guitar.
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